Enjoying the Motherhood Journey - Care to join me on the ride?

Enjoying the Motherhood Journey - Care to join me on the ride?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Please, Thank You and other magic words

I love singing and bouncing with Raychel; if I could bottle these moments of joy into a genie bottle, I would rub it in 5-10-15 years from now and just re-live in that moment. When we play, we sing silly nonsense and other times we sing songs with meanings such as our manners, alphabets, vowels, french songs, and body parts. Also, certain shows like Wiggles or Yo Gabba Gabba I'll sing to her some of their songs too and she gets very excited. I'm amazed how these shows make up these creative silly songs and children just love hearing them and can immediately recognize the tune.

When I really want to get her body moving, I will sing to her "I like to Move It" from Real2Real/Madagascar and she claps and moves her baby hips. Maybe it's the sound of my voice she likes or she can really comprehend what I'm saying b-c she really does "move it".

9 months and loves to dance and smile like her Mommy :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A book all parents need to have on hand: "Sleep"

"Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething"
Mark Twain

Since there's no secret ingredient for a successful teething experience, I decided to re-visit some of my baby literature I have on hand and get a "refresher" on some tips. This morning, I opened the paperback, "Sleep. The easiest way to peaceful nights" by Beatrice Hollyer & Lucy Smith (thank you Tania) and landed ironically on Chapter 8, Good Nights, Bad Nights. In this chapter, they discuss a little bit about teething and how it affects baby's sleep. We've been quite fortunate that Raychel is a good sleeper and we got to train her early on to sleep through the night but occasionally, she wakes up in the night and you can tell by her cry and facial expressions that it's from her teeth. I'm happy to say that I'll be bookmarking this chapter and showing it to Ray since we're living through this right now.

One thing this section of the book mentions is a homeopathic remedy called Chamomilla granules that has a soothing effect on their inflamed gums. I have a naturopath doctor so I'm going to contact them this week about this remedy b-c I'm quite curious about it. And of course, find out other homeopathic teething tips too.

BTW: Raychel officially has her first tooth and her 2 top ones are already starting to cut through the gums. Stay tuned for photos!